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News Writer,https:/ [url removed]/ - (Newton, MA)

News Writer,https://searchmobilecomputing.techtarget.com/ Department: Editorial Location: Newton, MA TechTarget seeks a news writer to cover mobile computing, Windows ten and desktop virtualization. This reporter will break news, report on and analyze announcements and trends, write feature articles and help with other projects. Business workers are more tech-savvy than ever before, and they have countless new apps and devices to help them do their jobs. The news writer will play a crucial role in helping our audience of IT professionals understand these trends. The perfect candidate is motivated, deadline-oriented and a quick learner. Essential Job Functions: Pitch, report and write news and feature stories that include commentary from IT professionals, consultants and analysts; Produce clear, accurate and concise copy; Develop IT industry sources; Break news and develop unique story ideas based on conversations with sources; Travel to industry events (at least 4 per year); and


Posted in Newton, MA, Writing & editing
From Adzuna - 1 month ago