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35T Military Intelligence Systems Maintainer/Integrator - (Denver, CO)

35T Military Intelligence Systems Maintainer/Integrator Job ID: Job Views: sixteen Location: DENVER, Colorado, United States ZIP Code: 80216 Job classification: Signal and Military Intelligence Posted: 11.15.2018 Age Qualifications: Must be between the ages of seventeen and 35 Job details As an Army National Guard Military Intelligence (MI) Systems Maintainer/Integrator, you play a vital role in the collection and interpretation of military intelligence gathering, so our military experts can better defend our Nation. The principal responsibility of an MI Systems Maintainer/Integrator, is to maintain and integrate intelligence gathering systems, computers, and networks used by MI Soldiers. Specific duties as an MI Systems Maintainer/Integrator include: maintaining, testing, and repairing communications equipment; maintaining and integrating MI computers and networks; assessing and extracting data from fixed, portable


Posted in Denver, CO, Government
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago