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Radiologic Tech - Mercy East Family Practice - PT.7 (Days) - (Pleasant Hill, IA)

Job classification: Regular Scheduled Hours per two week Pay Period: 56 Primary Location: IA > PLEASANT HILL > MERCY EAST FAM PRAC URG CARE Job overview / Job Purpose (briefly state why does this job exist in 3-5 lines) -- Under general supervision, the Radiologic Technologist (AART) II is responsible for operates radiology equipment to make imaging films as directed by physicians and performs radiographic and cardiopulmonary procedures for routine diagnosis and treatment purposes.-- Performs specialized procedures for diagnosis and assistance in the design of treatment for patients including venography, myelography and gastrointestinal exams. -- Critical responsibilities (list 5-8) -- Produce and perform all diagnostic radiographs procedures, to be interpreted by the physician or radiologist.-- Position patients and adjust equipment for taking diagnostic pictures following established procedures. Examine


Posted in Pleasant Hill, IA, Labor
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago