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Digital Media Manager - (Cleveland, OH)

The Creative Group has an agency client looking for a Digital Media Manager for this three month contract to full time role. Applicant should have 3yrs of background leading and teaching a team running banner ads in the Google Display Network and DoubleClick for Advertisers platform. Applicant will be leading a small team of digital specialists and will be accountable for running digital programs, mentoring and growing the team. Responsibilities include execution of digital ad campaigns for banner ads, PPC, DoubleClick for advertisers, Rich Media Ads and Video Ads. Applicant must be able to train others and will be responsible for expanding vendor relationships. In the beginning of this role, the applicant will familiarize themself with the current processes for digital campaigns, reporting metrics, checking campaigns to ensure all elements are included, review and audit live campaigns to ensure they are meeting metrics in order to identify areas to improve upon for longterm digital strategy.


Posted in Cleveland, OH, Business & Management
From Adzuna - 1 month ago