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Service Technician - Telecom - Shelby, OH - (Shelby, OH)

About CenturyLink CenturyLink at (NYSE: CTL) is the 2nd largest U.S. communications provider to global enterprise customers. With customers in more than 60 countries and an intense focus on the customer background, CenturyLink strives to be the world's best networking company by solving customers' increased demand for reliable and secure connections. The company also serves as its customers' trusted partner, helping them manage increased network and IT complexity and providing managed network and cyber security solutions that help protect their business. Job Summary The CenturyLink Customer Service Technician will be performing installation, maintenance and troubleshooting of high-speed internet, video and voice networks including associated wiring and equipment. Additionally maintaining and repairing outside plant facilities within assigned geographic service areas. Job summary


Posted in Shelby, OH, Construction & Trades
From ITJobsWeb - 1 month ago