68W Health Care Specialist - (La Marque, TX)
68W Health Care Specialist Job ID: 1058979 Job Views: 16 Location: LA MARQUE, Texas, United States ZIP Code: 77568 Job type: Medical Posted: 11.15.2018 Age Qualifications: Must be between the ages of seventeen and 35 Position details Be the 1st line of defense against injury and illness of civilians after natural disasters, and the Soldiers who serve and protect our Nation every day. As a Health Care Specialist in the Army National Guard, you will background a fulfilling role as an expert caretaker on and off the battlefield. You will address the health care needs of civilians after natural disasters or civil emergencies; treat injuries and illnesses suffered by Solders through the administration of immediate emergency care and ongoing care; and support and manage medical readiness, supplies, and equipment. Job assignments * Administer emergency medical treatment to battlefield casualties * Assist with outpatient and inpatient care and treatment
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago