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Be Your Own Boss - Earn $1,000 your first month, guaranteed! - (Dexter, MI)

Apply if you have previous background as Mortgage Loan Officer, Financial Advisor, and Head Teller, which would make you a suitable applicant for the advertised independent contractor opportunity with Lyft.We invite you to apply, if you have past work background for other on-demand or ridesharing companies such as Sprig, Uber, Blue Apron, and Chariot and are interested in independent contractor opportunities.It is common amongst Lyft drivers to have existing working background from various industries including Banking and Financial Services. Some of their prior positions were with companies like Capital One, 5th 3rd Bank, and Goldman Sachs Group.To apply candidates don't require previous job background as taxi driver, delivery driver, transportation driver or courier driver.Join Lyft Today - Applications Now Open! Earn $1,000 your 1st month, guaranteed, plus Tips.


Posted in Dexter, MI, Accounting & Finance
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago