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Editor - Development/Assoc I - (San Francisco, CA)

Instructional Designer (35005) Hoboken, NJ, Indianapolis, IN, or San Francisco, CA Wiley is an ever-evolving organization. Right now, we're going through 1 of our greatest ever periods of change as we adapt, anticipate and take action to meet the shifting needs of our customers. With new products and services driving our global expansion, it's a pivotal moment for you to join us as an Instructional Designer for our Wiley Efficient Learning (WEL) platform. Built on industry-leading technology, the WEL platform is home to Wiley's growing line of e-learning and exam review products, including CMA, CFA and CPA exam prep courses. The WEL Instructional Designer (ID) plans, organizes, and develops training curricula, materials, and programs to meet the needs of candidates preparing for high stakes professional exams.


Posted in San Francisco, CA, Writing & editing
From Adzuna - 1 month ago