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Senior Systems Engineer - (Fayetteville, NC)

Job summary As a Senior Systems Engineer you will be responsible for design of server and application architectures. Performs the administrative operation and maintenance of server hardware and software. Maintains system security and executes practices and procedures; monitors usage statistics and logs; monitors and remedies attempts to penetrate or corrupt server files. Provide technical support for multiple systems; from planning & design through deployment. These efforts include the full range of systems infrastructure engineering design; enterprise architecture standards; prototyping; integration; including; but not limited to; concept development; planning; requirements definition and analysis; systems design; integration; and deployment. Education Bachelors Degree in Computer Science; Engineering or a related technical discipline; or the equivalent combination of education; technical training; or work/military background.


Posted in Fayetteville, NC, IT & software development
From Adzuna - 1 month ago