Delivery Driver - (Santa Rosa, CA)
A veteran owned and operated wholesale distributor is now accepting applications for Wholesale Delivery Drivers from solid applicants 21 yrs old and older with integrity, attention to detail, and an eye to the future. This is a physical, fast-paced, outdoor position that involves continual lifting, lowering and carrying packages typically weighing between 25-35 pounds., occasionally up to 70 pounds. Wholesale Delivery Drivers must have good communication abilities, driving skills, and basic math skills. Candidates who are qualified must have a valid California driver's license in good standing. Wholesale Delivery Drivers are expected to comply with company appearance guidelines and wear the company approved uniform. Full time hourly employees work between eight and 10 and occasionally more hours per day, 4-5 days a week depending on the scheduling needs. Typically daily hours are between 8am-6pm or 9am-7pm. Drivers collaborate closely with the warehouse team and are our face to business clients.
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago