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Child Care Worker - (Fresno, CA)

Position summary Imagine You Inc is a Level twelve Group Home that will soon transition into (STRTP) Short-term Residential Treatment Program. The minors that come into our care are wards of the court from CPS to Probation. The behaviors range from Defiant , Mental Illness, Gangs, Exploited Teens, Past Trauma, Etc. Requirements for this job is between two to four years working with minors that are wards of the court (At-Risk). Have between 60 credits in college course or hold a degree. Seeking: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 4PM to 12AM. Saturday and Sunday 9AM to 9PM. Company Description Imagine You Inc. is a Level twelve Group Home transitioning into a STRTP facility for At-Risk teenage girls. Duties involve role modeling, behavioral modification and training in independent living skills. Also involves cleaning the home, driving to school, appointments and activities.


Posted in Fresno, CA, Domestic
From Adzuna - 1 month ago