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Inbound Marketing Strategist - (Cashton, WI)

If a company is going to make a difference in today's world, it's going to have to think differently. At Organic Valley, our philosophy and decisions are based on the health and welfare of people, animals and the earth. We're a mission-driven cooperative, owned by family farmers, and we've been leaders in organic agriculture from the very beginning. Once pioneers of organic agriculture, we're now an established leader. Organic is all we do. We are driven by our mission to promote regional farm diversity and economic stability by the means of organic agricultural methods and the sale of certified organic products. Summary of Role CROPP Cooperative is looking for an individual that develops, manages and executes inbound marketing strategy for the Organic Valley, Organic Prairie and Mighty Organic brands. This person will be dedicated to raising the visibility of our brands and products, and increasing the loyalty of consumers through personalized (1:1) communication.


Posted in Cashton, WI, Marketing & PR
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago