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Oil and Gas Field Technician - (Mobile, AL)

Oil and Gas Field Technician We are currently seeking a Field technician to provide Installation, commissioning and support services of Schlumberger DMS VSAT equipment. Main responsibilities/Work Duties Maintain DMS VSAT terminals on NAM west client sites. Complete the installation and commissioning of DMS VSAT Terminals as per relevant procedures. Support and maintain VSAT terminals and associated equipment as and when directed. Travel to client locations as directed by Operations staff taking into account Health and safety issues regarding travel outside of the US. Install and test all telephone lines and data lines for associated VSAT system. Install and test all Non DMS equipment in line with scope of work. Assist onshore support staff to install services onshore within the onshore teleport infrastructure. Conduct site surveys for the installation of DMS VSAT terminals and non-DMS equipment. Visit Client sites to install onshore equipment.


Posted in Mobile, AL, Customer Service
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago