Program Planner II - (Lansdale, PA)
Job Ad Template OU.LOCATION Cobham is seeking a Planner II that will be responsible forthe application and maintenance of available scheduling tools forassigned critical programs. Maintains and presents a detailedprogram status. Responsible for the establishment of a baselineplanning structure. Prepares, maintains and presents program statusinformation for supervisory and Business Area management review.Provides support and guidance to junior level planning personnel. This position is located in Lansdale, PA. Critical responsibilities: Develops plans and schedules for Operations activities onassigned critical programs. Provides technical guidance to lower level planning personnel.Provides support to the Operations Program Manager in thedevelopment and maintenance of 1st unit flow plans anddocuments.Confers with Operations Program Manager and program personnelto secure and coordinate info necessary for thedevelopment of manufacturing plans and schedules.Assures that planning data items are properly maintained
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago