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Apprentice Electrician - (Carlsbad, NM)

Position summary This Caliber position is being filled at our West Texas facility and our New Mexico facility. Mission: To provide our clients with: ¨ Quality Products and Services ¨ Superior Personnel ¨ Safe/Efficient Operations Thereby ensuring total customer satisfaction. Key Result Area: Safety Supporting Goal: To assist in having zero accidents Performance Standards: The job will have been done well when the individual: 1. Completes every project injury free. 2. Complies with every safety policy at all times. 3. Ensures that every time an injury occurs a supervisor has been immediately notified. 4. Identifies all potential hazards at the job site(s) and preventative measures have been developed. 5. Participate in preparation for TSA’s, JSA’s and complies with the plan. 6. Upon moving to a new job assignment “REQUEST” a new TSA and JSA. 7. Wears all necessary safety equipment at all times. 8.


Posted in Carlsbad, NM, Construction & Trades
From Adzuna - 1 month ago