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Medical Sales Marketing Customer Service Help - (Boston, MA)

Heres a site being updated for medical reps/pharma reps/- www.4joeq.com this is 1099 independent contractor, (commission, bonuses, residual income no expense accounts no base). We help doctors make more money get paid for the referral or customer setup. Offer free -DME manufacturer prices, DNA/Molecular lab with next day results, free consultation with an expert to help their bottom line for over 30 yrs on a global basis the average increase is 28% set a 15-minute call, expert merchant services analysis, worksheet to evaluate mini C Arms, IF they have a 75 patients a day FDA device for them to get at least $200,000 in revenue, IF a monthly 5,200 marketing budget a free consultation with marketing expert. Also other programs with high return for minimal costs.


Posted in Boston, MA, Customer Service
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago