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Product Development Engineer - (Lancaster, PA)

This is a hands-on position and involves all aspects of planning and managing engineering projects. Perform mechanical and thermal design and analyses to support customer qualifications. Work with laboratory technicians to fabricate and test thermal hardware. POSITION ASSIGNMENTS INCLUDE: Conduct mechanical and thermal design and analyses per customer specifications. Generate drawings per customer qualifications. Communicate progress with customer. Document fabrication and test procedures. Document reports, both interim and final, detailing program progress, problems and proposed solutions. Work with supplier base to manufacture required components. Generate and approve supplier purchase orders. Assist and provide supervision to technicians in all aspects of fabrication and testing to assure product quality and customer satisfaction. Establish and document work plan for laboratory technicians to complete proposed tasks. Monitor project costs to assure budget is not exceeded.


Posted in Lancaster, PA, Architecture & Engineering
From ApplicantPRO - 1 month ago