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Project Search Skill Trainer/Employment Trainer (FT) - (Janesville, WI)

REQUIREMENTS: High-school degree, background with youth and adults with disabilities preferred. REPORTS TO: Varies Usually reports to supported employment agency JOB GOAL: To provide training and support for students, business co-workers, families, and district personnel to insure success during the worksite rotations and/or a competitive job. PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES: KEY RESULT AREA: To facilitate the training and integration of a student with disabilities in a worksite rotation and/or competitive work atmosphere. Provides individualized support for intern during the internship rotation in order for the intern to acquire competitive and marketable skills. This could include: Systematic Instruction to teach and break down tasks, building natural supports, developing accommodations, identifying appropriate assistive technology, etc.


Posted in Janesville, WI, Education
From ApplicantPro - 1 month ago