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Unarmed Security Officer - (Montgomery, IL)

Job summary Security Dynamics Corp. Employment Opportunity Notice Unarmed Security Officer (part time) Montgomery, Illinois Security Dynamics Corp., Chicagoland's premier private security and private detective agency, is currently hiring for the position of Unarmed Security Officer (part time) at Montgomery, Illinois . All shifts are available. The work site is a commercial food processing plant and will involve access control at a main entrance gate. Applicants must be willing to work outside in all weather conditions and must be able to conduct physical walking patrols as required at regular intervals. The starting rate of pay is $14/hour. The ideal candidate is an active duty or retired police officer, firefighter, paramedic, correctional officer, military veteran, or other active duty or retired public safety employee with demonstrated security operations experience.


Posted in Montgomery, IL, Security
From Adzuna - 1 month ago