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Banquet Manager - (Upper Marlboro, MD)

Job details Banquet Manager Job Security Team Environment Vacation time after 6 mnths of employment Health Insurance 401k About the position: Prominent Event Company seeks a highly skilled Banquet Manager capable of helping the company a market leader in guest satisfaction. The responsibilities of the position includes overseeing an entire event from start to finish. Will collaborate closely with the Event Planner to ensure every detail is met and service expectations are exceeded. Also responsible for overseeing the actual event, interacting with the host, and supervising the staff at the event. Outline of responsibilities: Work together with the Event Planner to ensure every detail is well-planned and service expectations are exceeded Manage the Event Staff and assign / delegate tasks Supervise staff during the event to make sure everyone is at their assigned stations, etc. Continuously cleaning before, during, and after the event, etc.


Posted in Upper Marlboro, MD, Food
From Adzuna - 1 month ago