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CNC Machinist - (Gastonia, NC)

Job Description Job ID: 1636 Job overview: We are looking for an experienced CNC Programmer/Machinist to help build tooling required for the design and development of filtration products, test fixtures, molds, and injection mold tooling with the goal of delivering every project on time and within scope. ? Anticipate stock needs; place order as needed & verify receipt of stock before project start date. ? Communicates with co-workers regarding productions runs, and maintains a safe, organized and clean workplace environment while adhering to 5S standards and attention to detail. ? Interpreting geometric dimensions and tolerances on blue prints (GD&T). ? Sets-up mills and or lathes by installing cutters, inserts, adjusting jaw chucks, tools, attachments, collets, bushings, stops and indicating vices and trimming heads. ? Program and Run CNC machines by entering instructions, including zero and reference points codes, setting tool registers, offsets, compensation, and conditional switches.


Posted in Gastonia, NC, Manufacturing
From Adzuna - 1 month ago