Veterinarian / Doctor of Veterinary Medicine - (Santa Rosa, CA)
Position details We are a relatively new emergency hospital - in 2.5 yrs, we've grown from a 2-doctor "nights and weekends" hospital to a 10-doctor 24-hour practice. We are busy but working as a team (both among ourselves and with the nursing staff) makes coming to work fun. The "board of directors" is very small (2 people), so decisions are made and implemented quickly. We are looking for at least 1 full time ER Veterinarian to provide excellent care for our patients, our clients, and be a valuable addition to our team/family. We take great pride in: Patient management - this is where it started for all of us, right? We use the latest tools (in-house lab, digital radiographs, ultrasound, endoscopy, as well as easy-to-use cloud-based software and electronic treatment sheets) to care for our patients, and are open to other methods or equipment.
From Adzuna - 1 month ago