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42A Human Resources Specialist - (Seneca, SC)

42A Human Resources Specialist Job ID: Job Views: eighteen Location: SENECA, South Carolina, United States ZIP Code: 29678 Position type: Administrative Posted: 11.15.2018 Age Qualifications: Must be between the ages of seventeen and 35 Job summary When a Soldier has a question about benefits, policy, or needs help with a sensitive issue, the Army National Guard's Human Resources Specialist is the primary go-to person. As an HR Specialist, you will help Soldiers develop their Guard careers and provide personnel support and assistance to all divisions within the Guard. Specific responsibilities of the HR Specialist may include: organizing, maintaining, and reviewing personnel records; data entry and retrieval; processing recommendations; arranging awards ceremonies; preparing, updating, and coordinating requests for evaluations; preparing and monitoring Soldier requests for ID cards and tags, leaves of absence, and passes; ordering and maintaining office supplies; and maintaining filing systems.


Posted in Seneca, SC, Human Resources
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago