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Underwriting Administrative Coordinator - Minnetonka, MN - (Minnetonka, MN)

For those who believe in the power of data to help write the next chapter in the history of health care, here's your opportunity. Advancement, an elite group of peers, variety of product lines, and rewards for delivering on our mission ensures you will always be challenged at UnitedHealth Group to do your life's best work.(sm) As an Underwriting Coordinator you will be supporting and issue solving to include: prepare, review, assign and d i stribute new business proposals to the underwriting teams with requests for Underwriting department. You will also be assisting Sales with daily requests for underwriting submissions. Responsible for file maintenance, including archiving / purging files as required. Main responsibilities:


Posted in Minnetonka, MN, Administrative & Office
From InsuranceJobs - 1 month ago