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Service Technician - Jaguar Job - (San Diego, CA)

Technician – Jaguar at Land Rover San Diego The automobile industry is undergoing a profound transformation. New technologies, like autonomous driving and advanced data connectivity, are redefining the way cars are operated and maintained. As a result, our industry needs technicians who are eager to learn about the latest technologies, service and repair customer vehicles and are excited to be part of the future of transportation. The biggest Jaguar at Land Rover Service Department in San Diego is hiring technicians! Let Jaguar at La nd Rover of San Diego support your career growth and take you to the next level! If your present position does not offer the job or income security you’ve been looking for, then Land Rover San Diego has the career for you: State-of-the-art shop, with a new dealership under construction. Will be a 2 franchise dealership in the future, adding the brand of Jaguar when dealership is complete.


Posted in San Diego, CA, Construction & Trades
From The Job Spider - 1 month ago