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YVLifeSet Specialist Job - (Boone, NC)

Overview **Now offering $2,000 sign on payment!** **Ask us about relocation benefits!** Company Overview Youth Villages has been a national leader in the adoption and implementation of research-based treatment philosophies in the field of children's mental and behavioral health. Our commitment to helping troubled children and their families find success spans 30+ years and includes a comprehensive array of programs and services. If you are looking for a positive career move where you are meeting the challenges of life and striving to make a positive difference, then Youth Villages is the place for you. Following the completion of a recent randomized clinical trial, we are in the process of expanding our transitional living program (YVLifeSet) in North Carolina. The clinical trial showed positive effects across several points of measurement and we are looking for mission-driven individuals to help us implement it at a greater scale.


Posted in Boone, NC, Non-Profit
From The Job Spider - 1 month ago