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Advertising: Graphic Image Designer & Video Editor - Baltimore, Maryland - (Baltimore, MD)

Softz Touch Business Center, LLC is seeking a qualified part time graphic image designer & video editor to join our business and help us expand our image creative & design abilities. The designer will be responsible for the following: The main responsibilities for this person will include: 1. Developing client communications and marketing materials such as business cards, flyers, postcards, invitation cards, brochures, banners, CD/DVD covers and inserts. 2. Design support may also be needed for internal business marketing materials & project. 3. Periodic review & update Softz Touch Business Center, LLC web site4. Delegate/supervise design & production of marketing materials to support staff 5. Execute customers project designs, working closely with our customers to develop their project graphics, review drafts, refine design elements, and deliver final products in print and digital formats. 6.


Posted in Baltimore, MD, TV & film
From LocalJobBoard - 1 month ago