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Video Editor - (Elgin, IL)

Video Editor edits various video content for things such as signage, social media videos as well as broadcast TELEVISION. This job mandates a strong sense of storytelling, color correction, as well as a strong understanding graphic treatments and basic audio editing. The video editor also needs to have a strong understanding of industry standards associated with video production. Job assignments/Responsibilities: Expertise to edit video varying in length from fifteen seconds TELEVISION spots to three minute product videos used in social media Create/edit graphics to be used in various videos and animate those graphics Strong understanding of rendering and best practices Must have expert knowledge of Creative Cloud ( Premiere, After Effects, Audition, Photoshop illustrator etc.) Extensive knowledge in Green screen techniques Follow established video production procedures Participate pre-production and special project meetings Verify quality and completeness of own work


Posted in Elgin, IL, TV & film
From Dealslister - 1 month ago