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Advertising: Part-Time News Reporter - Elk Grove, California - (Elk Grove, CA)

Position overview: Prepares and broadcasts news coverage. Responsibilities - Gathers and verifies factual info through interviews, observation and research. - Monitors sources for breaking news, e.g., wires and social media. - Plans, writes, edits, and voices news broadcasts. - Finalizes content using digital audio editing software. - Maintains crucial deadlines in order to provide news stories in a timely fashion. - Repackages content from producers and field reporters for newscasts. - Identifies technical equipment and resource requirements for recording interviews and other audio material. - May produce features and interviews as assigned. - May specialize in a particular field of news broadcasting (e.g. political, traffic, finance or military). - May prepare written content, visual photos, audio material and video footage for web sites, blogs or other social-media platforms.


Posted in Elk Grove, CA, TV & film
From LocalJobBoard - 1 month ago