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DFA Service Representative - (Forrest City, AR)

The Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) Service Representative is responsible for examining evidentiary records, contracts, tax returns, or child support case management activities, and may also compute penalties and refunds, and collect charges, child support payments, or arrearage amounts. This position is governed by state and federal laws and agency policy. Typical FunctionsExamines evidentiary records including tax returns, applications, forms, vouchers, records and reports to verify accuracy, as well as compliance, with laws and regulations. Explains applicable laws or program requirements to taxpayers, law enforcement personnel, or revenue agents, or child support customers, including non-custodial parents, and assists in the completion and filing of tax returns, forms, and applications. Computes taxes, penalties, interest, or refunds due and prepares forms to bill/refund taxpayer. Corrects tax returns, forms, contracts, and evidentiary records for taxpayers.


Posted in Forrest City, AR, Customer Service
From Adzuna - 1 month ago