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Biology - Tenure-Track Assistant Professor - Cell Biologist - (Waterville, ME)

Biology - Tenure-Track Assistant Professor - Cell Biologist Date: 08/20/2018 The Department of Biology at Colby College welcomes applications for a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor of Biology to begin September 1, 2019. Colby is a highly selective liberal arts college located in central Maine. We seek a cell biologist with a strong commitment to undergraduate education and an empirical research program amenable to participation by undergraduate students. The search committee is especially interested in applicants who, through their research, teaching, and/or service, will contribute to the diversity and excellence of the campus community. A Ph.D. is expected and postdoctoral background is desirable. Teaching involves the equivalent of 4.5 courses per year, with laboratories constituting a portion of that load. Teaching responsibilities include a 200-level cell biology course with laboratory, a 300-level biochemistry course, and an elective in the applicant's area of specialization.


Posted in Waterville, ME, Science & Research
From Adzuna - 1 month ago