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Real Estate Listing Agent - (Ankeny, IA)

Job details Real Estate Listing Agents not only list and manage housing sales, they also network and coordinate with buyers and sellers. Due to the personal nature of Real Estate Listing, a Real Estate Listing Agent must have good interpersonal and administrative skills.The Real Estate Listing Agent position caters to the detail oriented individual who enjoys the intricacies of conversation and sales. The agent must also be self-motivated and proactive. Job assignments Build and maintain business relationships with a number of people. Utilize computer databases to organize, optimize, and track Real Estate Listings. Collect customer details concerning the need to buy or sell real estate. Effectively answer questions and educate on the current Real Estate market. Answer questions about contracts and terms of sale. Regulatory Notice. To work as a real estate agent (and be qualified for this position) you must have (or obtain) a real estate license.


Posted in Ankeny, IA, Real Estate
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago