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Organist/Music Associate - (Lexington, SC)

Organist/Music Associate Saxe Gotha Presbyterian Church of Lexington, SC is seeking applications to fill the part-time position of Organist/Music Associate. SGPC is a thriving ECO congregation in the heart of Lexington, SC, with an engaging non-liturgical music and arts ministry. Assignments include providing organ accompaniment for 2 traditional worship services, accompanying weekly adult and youth choir rehearsals, directing the handbell ensemble, and playing for funerals and weddings. The organist will serve on a team that includes the Director of Music and Arts, several audio/visual specialists and a staff pianist. Applicants who are qualified will possess at least an undergraduate degree in music and/or appropriate background in a traditional worship setting. This position has the possibility for expanding for the right applicant to complete administrative tasks for the worship and arts ministry.


Posted in Lexington, SC, Art
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago