Organist/Music Associate - (Lexington, SC)
Organist/Music Associate Saxe Gotha Presbyterian Church of Lexington, SC is seeking applications to fill the part-time position of Organist/Music Associate. SGPC is a thriving ECO congregation in the heart of Lexington, SC, with an engaging non-liturgical music and arts ministry. Assignments include providing organ accompaniment for 2 traditional worship services, accompanying weekly adult and youth choir rehearsals, directing the handbell ensemble, and playing for funerals and weddings. The organist will serve on a team that includes the Director of Music and Arts, several audio/visual specialists and a staff pianist. Applicants who are qualified will possess at least an undergraduate degree in music and/or appropriate background in a traditional worship setting. This position has the possibility for expanding for the right applicant to complete administrative tasks for the worship and arts ministry.
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago