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Education Naturalist - (Waukesha, WI)

Description Under supervision, to participate in the implementation of the Environmental Education Program at Retzer Nature Center, along with the other Education Naturalist. Example of Duties Give interpretive hikes and programs on ecological themes specific to Southeast Wisconsin, especially the lands at Retzer Nature Center, for school children, scouts and families. Programs are held at Retzer Nature Center, and occasionally at off-site locations (school classrooms, parks, etc). Assists in the development of curricula for environmental education activities for pre-school through high-school students, as well as general public including children and families. Assist in planning and development of new programs and special events. Produce and maintain Nature Center exhibits and displays, some of which include live animals. Participate in training, scheduling, and administration of Volunteer Naturalists. Participate in program scheduling. Participate in trail monitoring. Maintain education supplies/equipment.


Posted in Waukesha, WI, Education
From Dealslister - 1 month ago