Business Process Re-engineering Consultant - (Annapolis, MD)
Position: "Business Process Consultant (Senior)Location: Annapolis, MD 21401Agency: MD SBEDuration: Upto 4+ Years Background and PurposeThe State Administrator of Elections is the Chief Election Official for Maryland. In this capacity, the Administrator is responsible for fulfilling the qualifications of Section 13-324 of the Election Law Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. This provision requires that campaign finance reports be submitted to SBE in an electronic storage medium, in a format that SBE approves, and be widely and easily accessible to the public.To meet these qualifications, SBE has used the current Maryland Campaign Reporting Info System (MD CRIS) since 2011. Using this system, SBE staff enter and track committee info, including committees' filing qualifications, officers, and reporting history; send notices to filers and other State agencies; and create reports and letters.
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago