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Full Time Nabisco Sales Service Representative/Merchandiser Order Writer - - (Gilbert, AZ)

Position description: With our portfolio of global Power Brands such as Oreo and belVita biscuits, Cadbury Dairy Milk and Milka chocolate and Trident gum, we're the world's #1 in biscuits and candy, and #2 in chocolate and gum. We're Mondelez International , a snacking powerhouse with operations in more than 80 countries, with approx 90,000 employees globally and our brands are marketed in around 165 countries. Our purpose and vision is to create more MOMENTS OF JOY by building the BEST SNACKING COMPANY IN THE WORLD . For more details, visit and . Foremost role: The role of the Mondelez International Sales Service Representative Order Writer (SSROW) is to build a world-class Direct Store Delivery (DSD) business at the retail level by fulfilling the merchandising needs of our grocery-related customers through stocking the shelves. We service nationally recognized customers such as Walmart, Kroger and Target.


Posted in Gilbert, AZ, Writing & editing
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago