Training and Readiness Specialist with Security Clearance - (San Antonio, TX)
Job Number: R0044223 Training and Readiness Specialist Key Role: Participate in and support Air Forces Cyber and US Cyber Command action officers to facilitate identification, articulation, and prioritization of training requirements. Perform research and analysis of higher headquarters policy and procedures to enhance the coordination and deconfliction of Cyberspace training with the client's partners. Collaborate closely with Joint Cyber Mission Forces and Headquarters Air Forces Cyber personnel to effectively track, analyze, and report readiness levels across the command for Commander decision and approval. Coordinate training and readiness efforts with higher, lower, and adjacent headquarters and inter-agency partners to keep abreast of current requirements and participate in related working groups and forums. Develop materials, including reports, standard operating procedures, and position papers necessary for effective management of training and readiness programs.
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago