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Volunteer Coordinator - (Sahuarita, AZ)

TITLE: VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR WORK SCHEDULE: ten months SALARY CLASSIFICATION: Support Staff Salary Schedule – Group C $11.28 - $11.84 Depending on Background GENERAL STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES: Works with community volunteers and volunteer groups to facilitate the recruitment and placement of volunteers and to maintain positive community relationships for the maintenance of an on-going volunteer program for the District KEY FUNCTIONS Works with the site principal and/or staff to assess the volunteer needs of the school; Develops and maintains community, staff and faculty relations necessary for the growth and expansion of the district's volunteer program; Assists with developing and administering assessment instruments to evaluate the effectiveness of the volunteer program; Interviews potential volunteers from all segments of the community; Places volunteers in positions based upon school needs and individual personalities


Posted in Sahuarita, AZ, Non-Profit
From Adzuna - 1 month ago