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Senior Shipping Clerk - Pasadena - (Pasadena, TX)

Praxair Distribution, Inc., a subsidiary of Praxair, Inc., a Fortune 300 company is a leading industrial gas company in North and South America and 1 of the largest--worldwide. With market capitalization of approx $40 billion and 2017 sales of $11 billion, the company employs over 26,000 people globally and has been named to the Dow Jones----World Sustainability Index for sixteen consecutive years. Praxair produces, sells and distributes atmospheric, process and specialty--gases, and high-performance--surface coatings. Our products,--services--and technologies are--making our planet more productive--by bringing efficiency and environmental benefits to a wide variety of--industries, including--aerospace,--chemicals,--food--and beverage,--electronics,--energy,--healthcare, manufacturing, primary--metals--and many others. For more details about the company, please visit our web siteat Distribution, Inc.


Posted in Pasadena, TX, Manufacturing
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago