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Undergraduate Ethics Instructor (Adjunct Faculty) - (Provo, UT)

Position title: Undergraduate Ethics Instructor (Adjunct Faculty) Desired start date: Winter 2019 only Posting close date: January 9, 2019 Required Degree: PhD Background: Previous background teaching ethics at BYU Duties/Expectations: Teach MSB 390 Ethics Winter 2019. This includes teaching, prompt grading, and helping students master the material. Details required at the time of application - Please list the individual contact info for each of your 3 recommenders on the faculty application. At some point during the selection process they may be contacted to submit their letters of reference electronically Document(s) required at the time of application - Please attach your updated Curriculum Vitae and introductory letter to the faculty application. Equal Opportunity Employer: m/f/Vets/Disability


Posted in Provo, UT, Education
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago