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Patient Account Registrar - 8 Hr - RRAL - (Gadsden, AL)

Position summary Summary: JOB SUMMARY: The Patient Account Registrar interviews the patient or his/her representative to obtain patient demographics. This position also secures insurance info, eligibility, benefits and authorizations as applicable. Works closely with all facets of the Admitting department including PBX operator function and reception areas. Must be able to operate a computer to input and retrieve data. Expertise to communicate with the population served, utilizing age specific techniques from neonatal, pediatrics, adolescents, young adults, middle adult to geriatrics. Maintain proficiency in medical terminology. Special projects or other assignments may be given with expectations to be completed in a specified timeframe EDUCATION, BACKGROUND, TRAINING 1. Previous hospital background as an admissions representative preferred. 2. Knowledge of medical terminology preferred. 3. Effective written and oral communication abilities 4.


Posted in Gadsden, AL, Human Resources
From Adzuna - 1 month ago