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Developmental Support Specialist - (Wellington, FL)

Description: Since 1979, HomeSafe is a nationally accredited non-profit organization protecting Palm Beach County's and South Florida's most vulnerable residents - victims of child abuse and domestic violence. Duties: HomeSafe has an exciting career opportunity for experienced a Developmental Support Specialist in our HEALTHLY BEGINNINGS program. The Developmental Support Specialist is responsible for coordinating family services for assigned clients in the Healthy Beginnings system of care. Assignments include screening and assessment to determine program eligibility; in-home parental education and developmental monitoring, system navigation; maintaining relationships with assigned children and their families and providing referrals and linkages for families with children from birth until age 2 (2) within Palm Beach County. This job mandates flexibility with daytime and evening hours as needed to accommodate client schedules. Requirements:


Posted in Wellington, FL, Government
From ApplicantPRO - 1 month ago