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Part Time Nanny Needed for Newborn in Queen Village - (Darby, PA)

Position title: Nanny Job location: Philadelphia, PA 19147 (Queen Village) Children in the family: Child 1: Female born May 2018 More Details: Any medications or special needs: none Family Pets: 1 large dog Parking: Street parking available About the Job Schedule: Days of the week: Varied schedule M-F known 4-6 weeks in advance. Hours: Must be able to start as early as 6am and work as late as 7pm and work shifts up to twelve hours per day. Number of hours per week: The nanny will receive a guaranteed weekly salary for 30 hours even if there are weeks where fewer hours needed. Approximate Start Date: 8/20/2018. Job is long-term and requires at least a one-year commitment, though the family would love longer. Duties included are: [x] Full child care [x] Drive children: no driving needed currently (though as baby grows, nanny will use her own car and be reimbursed for driving duties) [ x] Tidy baby and common areas [x] Laundry and meals for the baby [x] Run errands as needed


Posted in Darby, PA, Domestic
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago