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Full Time Nanny for Infant and 2 Toddlers in Ardmore - (Ardmore, PA)

Full time working professionals in Ardmore seek to hire a full time nanny for a 3.5 yr old, 1.5 yr old and new baby due May 2018. This job is longterm with at least a year commitment required and starts between April and May 2018! Schedule: - Trouble Finding a Nanny Job?: https://youtu.be/ep_ZvDIRBKk - Finding the Right Job For You: https://youtu.be/UYCYJHukEU4 - Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:45pm Duties: - Willing to get the Flu and TdAp Vaccination, if you have not already Interested? - Run errands and replenish household supplies Compensation: - three weeks paid vacation (coordinated with the familys plans) - Run/empty dishwasher - Working as a Nanny: Best Job Ever!: https://youtu.be/6q4Wz5g7PF0 - 43.25 hours per week - Major holidays paid Qualifications: - Full childcare - Willing to get infant/child 1st Aid and CPR trained, if not already - Driving (Nanny to use her own car with a weekly allowance given for driving duties) - Have verifiable childcare experience with checkable references


Posted in Ardmore, PA, Domestic
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago