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Systems Engineer - Senior with Security Clearance - (Rock Island, IL)

Location: Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, IL Position details: The applicant will work within a cohesive engineering team to design and implement computer systems, software and networks. The systems engineer ensures that computer systems function efficiently and securely to support the company and projects info technology needs to increase the probability of system success, reduce risk and reduce total life-cycle cost. Essential Duties and Responsibilities (Not listed in order of importance; other duties may be assigned): * Communicate with staff or clients to understand specific system requirements. * Coordinate system development tasks to include designing and implementing computer systems, software and networks including defining complex system requirements, determining system specifications, and processes and working parameters. * Performing systems integration and formal testing to ensure hardware and software are compatible and capable of required performance metrics.


Posted in Rock Island, IL, IT & software development
From ClearanceJobs - 1 month ago