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Sr. Assembler/Brazer - Heat Exchange 1st Shift - (Asheville, NC)

Job Description Job description: Performs routine procedures following written work instructions to complete manufacturing processes. Measures and verifies that component materials are available per specification. Operates production equipment. Maintains documentation on manufacturing processes to comply with organization and regulatory standards. Cleans, assembles and brazes products to print, work order and product specifications also checks connections for leaks using dry nitrogen pressure. Visually inspects the unit before passing to the next cell. Works safely and ensures best quality products within current takt times. Fully engages with team and other associates to troubleshoot problems and drive continuous improvement in the plant. Responsibilities: Reviews and interprets assembly drawings, work orders, and production schedules for product specifications. Cleans, assembles and brazes systems using a variety of procedures and equipment.


Posted in Asheville, NC, Manufacturing
From Adzuna - 1 month ago