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Sales Associate - (Sarasota, FL)

DESCRIPTION About RNR RNR Tire Express is a national franchise retailer of quality tires and custom wheels offered with convenient, affordable payment options designed to fit each customer’s unique budget. Established in 2000, RNR has grown to over 100 locations in 22 states. At RNR we have built a culture around “SERVING our customer and not just providing them service”. We support and empower our employees with excellent training and tools which enables them to provide our customers with a unique and exceptional background. Sales Associate Position description Our sales teammates are highly motivated, goal driven and people oriented. In this role you’ll be selling quality products and services and processing orders. A Sales Associate (Sales Team player) will be expected to fulfill sales goals while continually looking for ways to increase sales and improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.


Posted in Sarasota, FL, Sales
From Adzuna - 1 month ago