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Lecturer, Sr. Lecturer, or Professor of Practice in Game Development - (Troy, NY)

Job Announcement - Non Tenure-Track Lecturer, Senior Lecturer or Professor of Practice in Game Development The Program in Games and Simulation Arts and Sciences ( GSAS ) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute invites applications for a full time faculty position in Game Design and Development to help us inspire and educate the next generation of game developers. We seek applicants with a passion for making games, a strong record of professional accomplishment or individual creative practice and demonstrated potential for excellence in teaching at the college level. The perfect applicant will have background in game development or related interactive media, a working expertise of current 2D and 3D game engines, and the expertise to teach students from diverse disciplines and backgrounds. Teaching responsibilities include core courses in game programming and project-based game development and may also include topics in the applicant's area of specialty.


Posted in Troy, NY, Education
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago