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Peer Specialist (Clerical) - (Lawrenceville, GA)

Workingin an Substance Use Day Program the Peer Specialist (CPS-AD) willwork collaboratively with individuals served, co-workers and the community topromote long term recovery goals that empower individuals to overcomechallenges r/t substance use and create and meet their own recovery goals. Thisposition will be hybrid position that includes clerical responsibilities aswell as peer specialist roles. ThePeer Specialist will advocate on behalf of individuals served and helpthem to navigate behavioral health systems. In accordance with SAMHSA guidingprinciples, Peer Specialist will engage and support individuals inthe 4 major types of recovery support services including (1) peer mentoringand coaching, (2) recovery resource connecting, (3) facilitating and leadingrecovery groups, and (4) building community. This PeerSpecialist will have leading role in delivering Recovery SupportServices.


Posted in Lawrenceville, GA, Administrative & Office
From Adzuna - 1 month ago