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15T UH-60 Utility Helicopter Repairer - (San Antonio, TX)

AGE QUALIFICATIONS: Must be between the ages of seventeen and 35 The UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter is the best-in-class, multi-mission performer used for combat assault, search and rescue, medevac, and firefighting missions. Your responsibility as the UH-60 Utility Helicopter Repairer will be to sustain the longevity and reliability of these aircraft, keeping them ready for tomorrow's mission today. In this role, you will be responsible for supervising and performing maintenance on Black Hawk helicopters to ensure that these aircraft remain safe and ready to fly. This includes all requisite inspections, service, and maintenance of aircraft and subsystems. Job responsibilities • Remove and install aircraft subsystem assemblies such as engines, rotors, gearboxes


Posted in San Antonio, TX, Manufacturing
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago